An expert in mobility, Cargomatic offers its customers the option of renting wooden or metal storage units (Greenboxes) from 6 to 40m3 for removals, archive storage, temporary storage, on-site storage or stand relocations.

A simple, flexible and practical solution!


Greenbox par Cargomatic - Location Box Stockage en 3 étapes

  • Store your high value-added materials such as copper, tools and other equipment while your products are being installed on site.
  • If you are faced with a disaster (fire, water damage), you need to quickly store and access your belongings.
  • Expansion work, renovation work, store your boxes or furniture on site with permanent access.
  • Too many archives take up too much space, so GREENBOX lets you keep them for the legal period without them taking up too much space.
  • Once you’ve packed your exhibition in the GREENBOX, we’ll deliver it to your stand. Once your exhibition is over, we’ll collect your GREENBOX to deliver it again or store it in transit in our storage warehouses.
  • A travelling showroom, a new sales tool for your sales force, it’s all possible with the GREENBOX 0 fatigue mobile self-storage concept and 0 logistical worries. GREENBOX can help you with your marketing campaigns: breakfasts, technical days, demonstrations and, as an option, you can personalise the cover of your BOX.
  • Moving your employees: if you’re looking for a rational, cost-effective solution for moving your staff, GREENBOX self-storage offers you flexibility, responsiveness and adaptability.