Cargomatic transports and delivers electrical transformers to construction sites using trucks with on-board forklifts.
If you are a manufacturer or importer of electrical transformers and you are looking for a solution to deliver to your worksite, Cargomatic is the market reference for sensitive transport.


CARGOMATIC, with its fleet of on-board trucks and cranes, has developed expertise in the delivery of transformers to ERDF sites and building sites.

Our drivers are fully conversant with the transformer loading and delivery process. We take particular care with the strapping of each transformer, and our experience in this area enables us to establish a strapping procedure for each new customer that takes account of the customer’s requirements for strapping in the walls, for more or less taut tension, etc. Our lorries are equipped with straps and Arteon lifting handles to load and unload PSS and PRCS transformers in all types of locations.

Standard Delivery:

  • Appointment management
  • Direct delivery to site

Options :

  • Initial site visit (ISV)
  • Premium delivery: delivery by appointment in the presence of the installation technician