👍 Thanks to Gunther, Cargomatic Driver, for the quality delivery 🚛 of the Rapiscan security scanners.

🦺 This equipment will play a crucial role in controlling the equipment of staff and athletes at one of the Olympic Games venues, the Arena Paris Nord, which will host sports such as
🥊 boxing
🏐 volleyball
🤺 🏃‍♀️ the modern pentathlon

Information needed ❓
Our teams are at your disposal:
📨 contact@cargomatic.fr – 📱 02 43 56 83 83

Read our news :

Livraison de scanners Rapiscan au JO 2024

Livraison de scanners Rapiscan au JO 2024 Livraison de scanners Rapiscan au JO 2024 Livraison de scanners Rapiscan au JO 2024

#LivraisonDirecte #LDD #Manutention #LivraisonSurChantier #LivraisonADomicile #ChariotEmbarqué #Grue #scansecurity #paris2024 #arenaparisnord